Under the motto “Innovation in management and public policies from the triple perspective of Afro-Latinas, mayors and inclusive education”, several face-to-face workshops were carried out simultaneously, which illustrated the importance of dialogue between different sectors and generations to strengthen the public sector in the region.
The workshops took place in two emblematic institutions: the Varkey Foundation and the River Plate Foundation, where around 100 people met over the 3 days, with a wide range of participants, from government officials to professionals and academics from different areas. , young leaders from across the region, and current and past students of CAF training in Argentina.
At the opening of the first day, Christian Asinelli, Corporate Vice President of Strategic Programming at CAF, mentioned the importance of generating and taking advantage of meeting spaces to learn about what they are doing in other places in the region and from other perspectives, and thus create broad networks. of work for the public.
CAF Commitment
CAF continues to promote an agenda focused on addressing the main government challenges, particularly in the area of decentralization, modernization of the state, smart cities, urban development and citizen security. In this way, it has developed various trainings such as the Latin American High Driving Program, which seeks to strengthen the skills of public officials in key topics such as: education; digital transformation of the State and productive sectors; climate change; leadership, negotiation and conflict resolution; productive reactivation; gender, diversities and inclusion; among others.
In this context, three fundamental aspects were highlighted in the workshops: inclusive education, gender equity and diversity in public management, addressed from the focus of innovation and disruption. The CAF Disability Inclusion Coordination promoted the importance of moving towards an education that is not only inclusive in words, but a palpable reality throughout the region.
In summary, these sessions not only strengthened the management, governance and innovation capacity among attendees, but also promoted the exchange of experiences and the creation of networks. CAF’s commitment to holding these workshops in Buenos Aires, which brought together different audiences, allowed a heterogeneous and plural space for dialogue, learning and action. Thus, the commitment of the multilateral organization to the comprehensive development of the region and the strengthening of its public institutions is reaffirmed, thanks to the integration of different development agents in a single space.