CAF –development bank of Latin America– donated a total of 42 computers to three entities dedicated to education and/or continuous training and scientific research in Panama, with the purpose of promoting the technological empowerment of local human capital.
The beneficiary organizations are: Higher Technical Institute of Agrotechnologies of the Americas-INA (20 desktops); Camino de Cruces National Park, considered one of the natural lungs of the Panamanian city (3 desktops and 1 laptop); and the Mesa Adventist School Educational Center (15 desktops and 3 laptops). All desktop computers have their components: monitors, mouse and keyboards.
Directors of the three entities thanked the bank for its cooperation, among them, the general director of the INA, Alexis Calderón, who affirmed that “this noble donation will be used for the well-being of the Panamanian student body” and assured that the donated computers are “tools that They will serve to strengthen the learning of our students, which will help to consolidate their knowledge, since together with the academic field scenarios, they will be a complement” in the different educational environments.
The INA consists of 190 students and close to 100 civil servants. While the Camino de Cruces National Park covers a total of 4,000 hectares that are studied for the conservation of ecosystems and tropical forest species; in addition to historical and archaeological studies, as it owes its name to being crossed by the unofficial road that connected the Pacific with the Panamanian Caribbean, in times of the Spanish colony. Finally, the Mesa Adventist School Educational Center consists of more than a hundred students, who reside in the town of San Martín, a neighborhood located on the outskirts of the Panamanian metropolis.
On behalf of the CAF Office in Panama, the following participated in the official delivery of the equipment: Kathleen Núñez, María Eugenia Miquilena, Bibiam Díaz, Sergio Avilés, Nelson Larrea, Nurys Barciela, María Gabriela Días, Gindira Montenegro and Arienys Ríos.