Abordar violencia criminal en América Latina y el Caribe

IDB Group adopts new territorial approach to address criminal violence in Latin America and the Caribbean

Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Group) has developed a new work approach to support the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the face of the growing challenges presented by criminal violence.

The Framework to Support Populations Affected by Situations of Fragility, Conflict and Criminal Violence thus addresses one of the main challenges for the development of the region, including middle-income countries. Violence has an estimated cost of at least 3.5% of regional GDP.

IDB prioritizes comprehensive territorial approach
One of the main novelties presented by the framework is its territorial approach, identifying areas affected by fragility, conflict and criminal violence not only at the national level, but also at the subnational level. Currently, middle-income countries in the region, with relatively solid institutions at the national level, face challenges in terms of conflict and criminal violence in focused geographic areas, with repercussions that encompass cities, departments or even larger regions that transcend borders.

A second novel aspect is the focus on the growth of violence and criminal governance in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as its social, economic and institutional effects. The presence and activity of criminal organizations limits development opportunities, often forcing the internal and international displacement of people and amplifying pre-existing inequalities.

The Framework to Support Populations Affected by Situations of Fragility, Conflict and Criminal Violence is the IDB Group’s strategic roadmap to achieve tangible results through financial and non-financial support. The IDB Group will redouble its efforts to increase the capacity to identify and understand the factors, manifestations and effects of fragility, conflict and criminal violence; strengthen technical support to countries; and work with approaches adapted to the realities on the ground.

IDB Vice President of Countries, Anabel González, said: “This new work approach, more comprehensive and ambitious, is a fundamental step by the IDB Group in its support to the region on issues of citizen security and criminal violence. “We are aware of the enormous challenges posed by the fight against fragility and crime, but by working together with our partners, the private sector and other relevant actors we can take significant steps to improve the lives of millions of people.”

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