América Solidaria launched its Menorías campaign that seeks to make adult centrism visible

They were all a “Minority”, they were all boys, girls or adolescents, that is why América Solidaria, a foundation that protects the rights of children and adolescents in Latin America, invites you to take the test at where you will find out if you lived it and how to stop reproducing adult-centric behaviors.

Every day hundreds of children and adolescents hear phrases such as “silence because the adults are talking” or “when you grow up you will understand”. They are the small great minority that are invisible and we do not realize it.

Faced with this, América Solidaria, an organization that fights so that all children and adolescents live in a dignified and fair manner, launched the “Menorías” campaign. Through a test, it seeks to raise awareness about the adult centrism experienced by the minority of which we were all part, childhood and adolescence. It also has tips to avoid these behaviors.

According to the 2020 Casen survey, children and adolescents are 23% of the population, but by 2023 it is not clear how many they are. This is an example of the importance given to them in society and the participation they have.

“I feel that they don’t give our opinions the attention they deserve because we don’t have experience, as if everything I’ve experienced wasn’t enough to validate what I think about my environment,” said Angeline Morgado, a 19-year-old girl who participated in different projects of América Solidaria and member of the Civil Society Council of the Ministry of Education.

Young people are interested in being part of the conversations, making decisions and generating a real impact. A study carried out by World Vision together with the Children’s Ombudsman, ensure that they value these instances of participation and main concerns are respect for diversity in all its aspects.

Magdalena Valdés, Executive Director of América Solidaria Chile, affirmed that “their participation transforms the paradigm of the adult-centric world, allows us to understand society in a different way, shows us that they do have a critical look and that they take charge of problems. Because they are citizens today and only not tomorrow.

“They would tell the children who have been affected by adult centrism not to give up, I know it is difficult to give an opinion again with people who do not listen to us, but they are valid and deserve to be heard. Call attention because your opinions need to be taken into account and incidents because they are worth a lot ”, Angeline reinforced.

She finds out if you were a “Minority” at Do the test! Let’s unite so that fewer girls, boys and adolescents live in an adult-centric society and that more are valued for their ideas, thoughts, emotions and their way of being.

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