Ayuda en Acción Peru awards 100 scholarships to promote job placement opportunities

Youth employability programs seek a successful insertion in the labor market. Between November 2022 and January 2023, 900,000 jobs were lost, according to INEI. This directly affected a 10.6% reduction in the youth population in Lima. For this reason, Ayuda en Acción promotes training programs to promote youth employability.

In a scenario of challenges to reduce the youth unemployment gap, educational training becomes an important tool. For this reason, the Ayuda en Acción Foundation, the National University of Piura and the Provincial Municipality of Piura offered 100 completely free scholarships for young people from Cura Mori, Catacaos, Piura, Tambogrande and other districts to be trained for a month.

“Young people will strengthen their skills in managing agro-industrial processes, cash flow, sales and digital marketing in response to the current demand of the labor market,” says Jorge Gálvez, coordinator of the Sustainable Business Opportunities intervention line.

Likewise, Wilson Sancarranco, vice rector of the UNP, pointed out that “today’s market is very competent and youth need to have the tools to face it. Now young people will be able to train to get decent jobs.”

8 out of 10 young people find it difficult to get a job in the country, says the report Shortage of job opportunities for young people 2022. Among the factors are a lack of experience or social instability that causes companies to hire less. And those who do get it, often accept offers with low salaries, without job protection or inadequate conditions.

How to deal with youth unemployment?
Young people are invaluable human capital in the dynamics of local and national economies. It is necessary to look and generate actions with this group of the population to ensure their transition from school to the Peruvian labor market.

It is true that the high demand of the market requires that young people be more competitive. But, it is necessary to provide them with the tools and resources so that they can have a favorable performance.

“Offer career lines within organizations, promote training, favor access to pre-professional practices, offer courses, workshops or alternative training and many other ways to motivate them. For that, we need and urgently need a lot of will from the educational and business sector”, emphasized Jorge Gálvez.

With these initiatives, we reaffirm our commitment to accompany youth so that they can build a better future.

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