The Ibero-American cooperation program Ibermuseos launches an investigation with which it seeks to find out to what extent workers in the museum sector have been affected by the measures put in place to stop the spread of COVID-19, but also to know their prospects for a future fraught with uncertainty.
Through this study, the Program gives continuity to the work it has been carrying out since the start of the health emergency, closely observing and accompanying the global situation to readapt its projects and respond to the needs of a seriously damaged sector. Following this end, in April a first survey was launched with an orientation focused on the situation of museums, thanks to which the program was able to redesign its roadmap for 2020. Now, after several months, it seeks to know in detail and to give visibility to the impact of the long months of total or partial museum closures on the situation of professionals in the sector in Latin America.
With this objective, the Ibero-American Observatory of Museums has prepared a more specific study, which is based on a survey on the impact of COVID-19 containment measures on museum workers, which will be available for completion until June 6 of November.
The information obtained improved having an overview of the situation and assessing the needs of the sector in order to plan actions for 2021; but also to provide valuable information to the bodies responsible for museum coordination in member countries, with which to try to contribute to their management and even try to encourage public policies that mitigate the negative impact of the health alert.
After collecting the experiences of the participants, a report will be executed and published that complements the valuable information obtained through the first survey carried out by the Program.
Participate by accessing and completing the survey. We want to hear you! Access the questionnaire here.