Fundación Pro Bono España is a non-profit organization whose VISION is to coordinate and promote pro bono work and culture in order to strengthen the third sector through law as a transforming and multiplier tool for social impact.
It is a coordination center that acts as an intermediary between social organizations that need legal assistance and lawyers with the capacity to help. But, in addition, from Fundación Pro Bono España they also work to spread legal knowledge, promote pro bono practice and raise awareness among legal professionals about its social function.
The Foundation has as OBJECTIVES:
Encourage the participation of different legal actors in pro bono projects, through the CHANNELING of legal requests from social organizations.
Promote and develop the culture of pro bono work, through AWARENESS in this practice among the different legal, academic and social actors.
Favor a structured and professional vision of pro bono activity, promoting its INSTITUTIONALIZATION through the development of the necessary tools to optimize the pro bono legal activity of each actor.
Learn much more here www.probonoespana.org