“Philanthropy unites the tangible with the intangible” – Paula Toledano

The path of the Spanish driver Santos Toledano began in 1989 when he decided to start bringing light and hope to children and young people in Peru. He knew perfectly well that education, social assistance and cooperation would achieve endless opportunities to lift thousands of families out of extreme poverty and thus a better quality of life for all. A tireless worker who knew how to implement integral and sustainable community development projects.

That is why our Director Paula Toledano Cort talks about the value of helping others: “Philanthropy unites the tangible with the intangible” and tells how, since she was a child, her father instilled in her a passion for helping others.

Since 2012, the Santos Toledano Foundation has become part of Unidos en Red. The new structure in which the organization is integrated manages to “make the initiatives of all the countries more efficient and unify the bureaucracy, which takes up a lot of time,” he adds. . And he explains that, for this, it has been necessary “to have a lot of humility when using the same brand, under an umbrella that we got into two years ago”. Thus, its potential for action is extended to Colombia, Bolivia, Chile and all of Ibero-America.

Our co-founder Mireya Cisneros has been supporting Latin American organizations for 30 years, with a model based on the SDGs. “It has achieved for Latin America a network of entrepreneurs, philanthropists and artists who believe in alliances, so that they identify social projects with great impact and accelerate them through strategic alliances, collaborative communication and innovation, bringing technology to the third sector and optimizing the channeling of resources, to obtain financing”, says Paula Toledano.

We are very proud to be part of this history!

Read the full interview here

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