SEGIB: Which countries are leading the energy transition?

Estos son los países que más avanzan en la transición energética

Although at different speeds, Ibero-America is moving towards energy transformation for the use and consumption of clean energy. The biggest challenge is to increase electricity generation from non-conventional renewable energies (solar, wind) and promote energy efficiency so that renewables are capable of supplying all energy demand.

Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil and Chile are the five most advanced Latin American countries in the energy transition and the first in the ranking of Latin America and the Caribbean, widely exceeding the regional average of 58.6% in the Transition Index Energy (ETI), according to data from the report “Promoting an effective energy transition 2021” published by the World Economic Forum.

The Energy Transition Index (ETI) compares the performance of the energy systems of 115 countries in two broad areas: system performance and transition readiness. Within the performance area, variables such as development and economic growth, environmental sustainability, energy security and access to energy are considered. In this section, Latin America obtains an average score of 65.8, with economic growth and development being its weak points.

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