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Colombia promotes energy efficiency and sustainable energy in the Caribbean with support from the BID
February 02, 2023El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) aprobó un préstamo por US$34.5 millones para apoyar un programa de eficiencia energética en el sector residencial y oficial del Caribe colombiano.
América Solidaria launched its Menorías campaign that seeks to make adult centrism visible
February 02, 2023La Fundación que protege los derechos de las niñeces y adolescencias de Latinoamérica, te invita a realizar el test en
Carlos Slim Foundation promotes "Train for employment" with the course "Hydroelectric energy for self-consumption"
February 02, 2023Fundación Carlos Slim ofrece el curso “Energía hidroeléctrica para autoconsumo”, cuyo objetivo es que los participantes aprendan las bases para diseñar e instalar un sistema hidroeléctrico.
#WeLove celebrates its 2023 Gala
February 02, 2023#WeLove sigue generando oportunidades para cambiar el mundo y ayudar a salvar vidas.
Venezuela without Limits held the first meeting of NGOs that won the 2022 Social Investment Fund
February 02, 2023Venezuela sin Límites celebra el primer encuentro de organizaciones ganadoras del Fondo de Inversión Social 2022, en esta oportunidad de la mano de uno de sus aliados, el UNFPA.
CEAPI promotes Madrid as the capital of international investment
November 15, 2022The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, inaugurates the Forum and stresses that Madrid is “a place of opportunities, the reference in the fight for freedom and life.
Ayuda en Acción launches a collaborative publication that tries to reflect the voice of young people in the face of the climate crisis
November 15, 2022The launch coincides with the celebration at COP27, which on December 10 allocates a thematic day for youth participation in the face of climate change.
Carlos Slim Foundation celebrates Mexican biodiversity with Ecos de la Naturaleza, the Podcast
November 14, 2022Carlos Slim Foundation maintains its commitment to preserve a healthy environment.
12 organizations were winners of the XVIII edition of the Social Investment Fund of Venezuela sin Límites
November 14, 2022Gracias a la inversión social 12 instituciones, registradas en la red de Venezuela sin Límites, resultaron ganadoras en la edición XVIII del Fondo de Inversión Social.
Banesco held its fifth call in Panama for the Participatory Budget
November 14, 2022For the first time with national coverage, including regional areas, calling on all community-based organizations in the 10 provinces and 7 indigenous regions of the country
¡Venezuela without Limits launches the 18th edition of the Social Investment Fund!
September 21, 2022Thanks to social investment, they celebrate another edition of their flagship program, and in this way they continue to contribute to the social development of Venezuela.
Carlos Slim Foundation delivered 6.5 tons of humanitarian aid
September 21, 2022Thus reaffirming its commitment to support the population that needs it most in the event of natural disasters.