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ONCE Foundation announces grants for young people with disabilities to study languages ​​abroad

March 01, 2021

Carlos Slim Foundation actions to address climate change in Mexico

March 01, 2021

Symptoms of hope: our campaign against the vulnerability of RD

March 01, 2021

Sesé Foundation delivers toys to 300 children in Zaragoza

January 12, 2021

the Sesé Foundation increased its solidarity campaign for the delivery of toys by carrying out a distribution to different entities in Zaragoza.

These are the Latin American countries with the highest number of deaths in the region

January 12, 2021

According to figures from Johns Hopkins University, among the countries with the highest number of deaths from COVID-19 is the US, Brazil and Mexico

Carlos Slim Foundation announces the expansion of the Temporary Unit COVID-19

January 11, 2021

Carlos Slim Foundation announces the expansion of the Temporary Unit COVID-19

Ministry of Health in Argentina conducted a survey on the use of telemedicine during the pandemic

January 11, 2021

More than 52% of those surveyed claimed to have used the telemedicine service related to COVID-19

Gema Sacristán meets with CEAPI partners to discuss the current situation in Latin America

January 11, 2021

The General Director of Business of IDB Invest, Gema Sacristán, has met with CEAPI partners to share her analysis on the current situation and the strategy of BIB Invest in Latin America.

Techsoup Chile launches the "Voluntarios MS365" program

January 04, 2021

a pilot program whose objective is to provide technological support to the beneficiary organizations of the Program.

Ibermuseums launches a survey to assess the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on museums

October 25, 2020

FEDER carried out the most participatory Training School in history!

October 07, 2020

Ayuda en Acción and CEAPI, together against the health emergency in the Bolivian Chiquitanía

October 05, 2020