The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the FEMSA Foundation announced the opening of the 2020 IDB-FEMSA Award, which since 2009 has recognized the most innovative solutions in the water, sanitation and solid waste management sectors.
This year the BID-FEMSA Award will be held entirely in virtual format through www.premiobidfemsa.com. In this edition, the Prize grants a stimulus of US $ 10 thousand to each of the winners of the three categories that will be awarded in 2020: Water Category, Sanitation Category and Solid Waste Category.
Deadline: August 9, 2020
More information here: https://www.iadb.org/es/noticias/el-bid-y-la-fundacion-femsa-premian-la-innovacion-en-agua-saneamiento-y-residuos-solidos