The Global Mayors Challenge 2021 is the most ambitious and far-reaching to date. After discovering the 50 most innovative urban solutions in the wake of COVID-19, the Challenge will award 15 grand prize winners $ 1 million each, to help cities implement their innovative ideas and ultimately spread those ideas. to other cities on a global scale.
The call is open to all cities with populations greater than 100,000 inhabitants. All eligible cities must RSVP and submit a completed application no later than March 21, 2021.
This year’s Global Mayors Challenge, which is the largest yet, will give 50 champion cities access to world-renowned experts in innovation and data to help them improve their idea. Then, fifteen grand prize winners will each receive $ 1 million to begin implementation of their innovative ideas.
COVID-19 has changed the daily lives of people around the world and demanded that cities do more with fewer resources than ever before. Yet even in the face of a public health crisis, social unrest, massive budget deficits, and mounting climate disasters, mayors are innovating and taking bold steps to address their cities’ most pressing challenges.