The UNDEF program provides discrete funds for local, regional and global projects that promote human rights and that promote the participation of all groups in the democratic process.
Successful projects will receive a minimum sum of US $ 100,000 and a maximum sum of US $ 300,000. This amount is intended for the implementation of projects that will take two years to implement. Meanwhile, you can complete the project in less than two years if you are a successful applicant.
Therefore, whether it takes two years or less to implement your project, you cannot apply for any amounts outside the UNDEF grant award range. Also, once the duration of your project implementation is up, you must return any unused funds to UNDEF.
The application for the Fund Grant is made online through the Online Project Proposal System (OPPS). However, in preparation for your application, please download the UNDEF Blank Project Proposal Form (English) here.
Dates and Deadlines Application deadline: January 6, 2021 More information here